parent nodes: Arietta
Arietta Attacks
Limited: Strikes an opponent with a hammer composed of the sixth fonon. Holy/Light damage. (+attack)
FOF Change -> Spark Wave: A wave of lightning strikes an opponent. Wind damage. (+attack)
Negative Gate: A rift of composed of the first fonon opens up upon an opponent. Darkness damage. (+attack)
FOF Change -> Crimson Riot: Scorches an opponent with fire. Guess what damage this does. (+attack)
Bloody Howling: Black ribbons composed of the first fonon slice into an opponent. Darkness damage. (+smash)
FOF Change -> Maelstrom: A torrent of water blasts an opponent. Water damage. (+smash)
Mystic Artes:
Big Bang: Echoing the beginning of creation itself, this arte draws upon the first fonon to unleash the power of creation upon an opponent. Darkness damage. (+fmv)
Evil Light: Description forthcoming.