Quest: The Ghost of Nemesis

BGM: Irodori no Daichi ("The Painted Land")

Larc: (*steps forward*) I sense something... (*walks forward, hero/ine following*)
Flowerling: And again... what is that strange voice?
Larc: What happened?
Student: Uh, actually... (*screen fades out, then back in*)
Other Student: We've been using these herbs and minerals as reagents for our potions.
Student: The herbs on the hill will cure anything.
Other Student: But lately, there's been a weird voice coming from inside that bony castle. People say an old dragon called the Dragon of Knowledge lives there...
Student: Dragon of Knowledge? Is that like a lizard? (*there is a loud roar*)
Other Student: Whoa...!

(*at the next screen*)
Larc: Here he comes! (*a sword cuts down, creating a gap, and a skeletal knight steps through*)
Knight: Away with you, humans! This place is not for you!

Hero/ine: Leave. (*the knight cuts open a gap in the world again, and leaves*)

Hero/ine: Stay.
Knight: A dragoon!? Could it be...?
Larc: We have come to see Jajara. Let us through! (*the knight points its sword at the hero/ine and

Knight: Never, evil ones! I shall exterminate you here! And send you back to the Underworld! (*battle with knight begins*)

(*once inside the fortress*)
Larc: Looks like some kind of trap! Careful here... (*smoke billows, and Larc looks around in alarm*) What the...? (*the screen fades out, and the hero/ine finds themselves all alone*)

(*in one room is a skull, it speaks...*)
Skull: So, you young'uns were trapped here in the Bone Fortress, too... I'll help you out! If you're ever lost, just ask my friends. They'll help you out!

(*in another room is a soldier*)
Soldier: I can't go on. The Fortress has me. Let me be! Aaah! (*his spirit floats from his body, and he becomes a skeletal knight, which cuts a gap into reality and disappears*)

(*on the elevator*)
Spirit: So, you young'uns were trapped here in the Bone Fortress, too... I'll help you out! Hmm? Where do you want to go? (*options are Cancel, Third Floor, Second Floor or First Floor*)

(*on the Third floor*)
Sierra: Are you looking for Larc? (*The hero/ine walks forward, and she appears*) Why do you serve Drakonis? You must know why Drakonis is trying to kill the dragons!

Hero/ine: I don't know.
Sierra: (*she looks down*) I see... I'm sorry, but you must die. Without you, Drakonis will surely give up. (*she looks up, facing the hero/ine*) And... that way, I will not have to kill Larc. (*battle with Sierra begins. After the battle...*) By the gods! Your powers are too strong. But someday... someday I will stop you! (*she vanishes*)

Hero/ine: I know.
Sierra: So you went around slaying dragons with full knowledge of his plan!? You disgust me! (*she draws her knives*) For the honor of Jajara, I shall slay you myself! (*battle with Sierra begins. After the battle...*) By the gods! Your powers are too strong. But someday... someday I will stop you! (*she vanishes*)

(*in a room on the second floor*)
Larc: My sister... (*he pulls himself to his feet*) !! (*he rushes backwards in surprise*) I'm sorry. I can't believe I would fall for such a trap. (*he rejoins*)

(*back on the third floor; Ribcage Hallway*)

BGM: Marginal Beast

Voice: Bring a whole army if you wish! You will not pass! Hmm!? Why, it's Larc the Conqueror!
Larc: Well, well, if it isn't Deathbringer...
Deathbringer: Now I see... so you are the servant of Drakonis... you should be quite an opponent. Hahahahaha! To think we would meet again like this, after a hundred years... (*battle with Deathbringer begins. After the battle*) Hahahaha! Most impressive! You just might be the one...
Larc: You've nothing to lose... (*he looks down*) But I suppose that... neither do I.

(*in the next room, the Throne of Corpses*)

BGM: The Darkness Nova

Larc: I sense the power of Mana... that blasted Jajara! He must be close! Jajara! In the stead of my master Drakonis... I have come to slay you!
Jajara: Drakonis... yet do you selfishly crave Mana? Have we not seen enough bloodshed? Foolishness! Utter foolishness! (*Jajara comes flying down into the area, knocking ceiling bits down with him, and the two-part battle begins. After the battle...*) Drakonis! That monster almost destroyed us all!
Larc: Fear not! This time, you'll rest forever in the Underworld. (*he turns around*) I knew I sensed the power of Mana here... (*he slides the gates aside, and the hero/ine follows him into the Mana stone room*)

BGM: Irodori no Daichi ("The Painted Land")

Larc: So, thanks to this guy, the herbs around here are imbued with great power... and Jajara tried to hide that by building this castle... how greedy. (*he reaches for the stone, but stops*) You look like you want to ask me something...

Hero/ine: About Mana
Larc: I know not why the power of Mana exists. But I do know its power is vast. I've even heard it can raise all from the Underworld. You shouldn't think about it too much. Here, this is from Drakonis. (*receive AF "Green Cane"*) Lord Drakonis takes great interest in your accomplishments. And there is but one Mana stone left... our day of return is near...

The Ghost of Nemesis End

Larc: When I locate a Mana stone, our lord receives its power directly. Once this place loses its Mana, it will wither and die. Then, no ghost will stand guard here. You shouldn't think about it too much. Here, this is from Drakonis. (*receive AF "Green Cane"*) Lord Drakonis takes great interest in your accomplishments. And there is but one Mana stone left... our day of return is near...

The Ghost of Nemesis End

Hero/ine: What now?
Larc: Now? The same thing, friend. We simply locate the dragons' remaining Mana stone for out master. All who oppose us shall die! You shouldn't think about it too much. Here, this is from Drakonis. (*receive AF "Green Cane"*) Lord Drakonis takes great interest in your accomplishments. And there is but one Mana stone left... our day of return is near...

The Ghost of Nemesis End